Covenant Community Church - Gps-god Positioning System

What If This Was Your Last Christmas? – Last Christmas (Session Two)



What If This Was Your Last Christmas? – Last Christmas (Session Two) celebration, Embracing the Moment, Giving your best, Luke 2:21-40 Time flies past us all so quickly. As a child you can’t wait for Christmas to arrive… and it arrives so slowly. As an adult, you discover what you thought would never happen…time just starts flying by. Each day becomes a blur as we move from one moment to the next. But what if we could put on the brakes for just a moment? What if we could slow down long enough to make sure that we are doing our best to really celebrate Christmas? In this study, we take a couple of snapshots out of the baby book that Mary kept for Jesus and make some discoveries that teach us how to celebrate this Christmas like it was your only Christmas.