G.n.a. Podcast

G.N.A. Podcast Episode 15: RPGcast episode 1: That poor page...



G.N.A. RPGcast, Join our heroes Mordecai Azul, Krewl Lye, Jokes, Tahoe Anime, "Trek", and Jovan Stormluck as they begin the journey of a lifetime, harassing innocent pages and threatening everyone met with death. An epic journey has got to start somewhere right? Watch in disbelief as a troop of goblins is dismembered without mercy! But, do I sense a betrayal incoming? Send some feedback to find out! the G.N.A. Podcast can be reached on twitter @GNAPodcast or on ninjapancake.com. Also you can email us at gnapodcast@gnainyourdna.com! Ding!