G.n.a. Podcast

G.N.A. Podcast Episode 21: Fapping on a Bagel.



G.N.A. Podcast, where we start by playing Cards Against Humanity, realize the website sucks and stop just as fast as we started. This episode we drop everything to bring you the very best (and very drunkest) in comedic entertainment. DJ gets completely destroyed this time around. What was cut? I'll never tell. Stuff did happen in this episode but I feel like I wouldn't be doing it justice by writing about it in this summary, you'll just have to listen to see for yourself. Reach out and touch face by emailing us at gnapodcast@gnainyourdna.one or gnapodcast@gnainyourdna.one. I'm like a bird I wanna fly away, on twitter @gnapodcast. Please rate and review us on iTunes so we know how much you love us. Check out ninjapancake.com for more great shows and maybe even to buy some swag. Music by azureflux found by visiting freemusicarchive.org. #letsgetdangerous.