G.n.a. Podcast

G.N.A. Podcast Episode 22: Datto and the Fish Cup.



G.N.A. Podcast, where you are lied to within the first 15 seconds of the show, and continuing on you get even more lies, but after that Datto (much wow! very excite!) shows up, and that's the truth. This week we question Datto about everything we could possibly think to ask him. We also have various stories to talk about, some science stuff that not too much interest is given to. Ranging from transparent aluminum to a robotic lettuce farm we cover it all! Love these drunks? Let them know by emailing gnapodcast@gnainyourdna.one. Spread the word by tweeting and using @GNAPodcast somewhere in your tweets. Check out ninjapancake.com for this and other great shows, and maybe even to support us by buying themed swag! Music by azureflux found at freemusicarchive.org. #Dattosoldfashionedshinesoakedfishcherries.