Network Radio

Journeys into Consciousness Show 7 - Moon Landing, UFOs, E.Ts, Disclosure, Visiting Races, Crop Circ



E.T Races (Raptures, Greys) Gregory also confirmed that there is a race of Raptures that had been here at one time, not a particularly nice race by all accounts as they can be extremely manipulative and self serving with little or no emotions. These sound very similar to the Reptilians spoken about by David Icke. However there are other extremely friendly races visiting us as well who have been here a very long time, most groups have a vested interest in our spiritual evolution. However we do need to be discerning as there are still other self serving groups who would love nothing better than for us to destroy ourselves. He also confirmed that the Greys were and still are involved in abductions for their own means. Moon Landings - 5 Mile Ships Gregory confirmed that the Moon landings had been closely watched by other E.T races. The astronauts witnessed other worldly craft that stretched over 5 miles in length. Titan's Artificial Moon In our previous show, Gregory discussed Buzz Aldrin's exposure of a monol