Network Radio

Journeys into Consciousness 8 - 9-11, Ouija Boards, Multiple Dimensions, Mysterious Events



In today's show we discussed the following: 9-11 A need for a new open and truthful investigation in to what happened. China mass UFO Sighting Confirming the mass UFO sighting in China witnessed by millions of people. Surprisingly China could be the vanguard in so many ways helping us build a more open and honest future. Ouija Boards Gregory talks about the extreme dangers of using Ouija Boards and other similar open methods of contact. Deja vu Gregory gives us an insight in to what Deja vu is. He gave a wonderful description that it is our pure beautiful spirit experiencing the world when we find ourselves in this state. Bermuda Triangle Gregory discussed all the converging factors of magnetic and electronic anomalies, shallow waters and impromptu violent storms in the area that has led to the disappearance of so many ships and planes. Loch Ness Monster / Dragons Gregory confirmed that the Loch Ness Monster does exist. There are in fact many of them, left over from prehistoric times, much like crocod