Network Radio

Journeys into Consciousness 32 - The Seat of the Soul, Venus Project, UFO Prediction Discussion



Topics Discussed: 'Are the dead all knowing?', 'Eyes, the Seat of the Soul?', 'UFO Prediction 13th Oct 2010 Discussion', 'The Venus Project', 'Positive Awakening Signs', 'John Lennon', 'Talking Animals' Are the dead all knowing? Spirit being Gregory and the White Cloud Group opened with a spontaneous address regarding people's perception of beings becoming all knowing when they pass over. His concern was that many people falsely believe that the departed become all knowing and pure love and light. He pointed out that this maybe the case for some beings that are already in tune with their pure essence. However for many who are still deeply entrenched in perhaps negative or ignorant behaviour, they will likely be exactly the same personality as before, and may hold on to exactly the same fears, dogma or prejudices as they did in the lifetime. It may take a great deal of work on their side of life to break down these barriers. Are Eyes the Seat of the Soul Gregory confirmed how this works from an energy spiri