Network Radio

The Moneyless Man Interview - How he has lived for over 2 years without a penny



Hello and welcome to the Spirit network radio show, with your host, Mark Chatterton. After a break of a couple of months, we are back with a very special guest, who we have been wanting to interview on the programme for a long time. Tonight's guest is Mark Boyle, otherwise known as the Moneyless Man. A couple of years ago, Mark was living and working in Bristol. Yet he gave up his full time job and sold his house boat and made the deliberate step of living without any money. This was going to be something Mark would do for one year, and this first year of living without money was documented in his book, "The Moneyless Man - A year of Freeconomic Living". Yet eighteen months later Mark is still living out in the countryside outside Bristol as the Moneyless man. So a warm welcome to you Mark... The first thing I want to ask you Mark, is that originally this plan of living without money was going to be for just a year, yet here we are, well into your second year as the Moneyless Man. What made you