Wrestling Soup




RUNNING TIME: 278 min. - Scott Hall gets drunk and beats his wife. - Mexico> Florida. - Miss Destiny in bed with Scott Hall. - Crystal Meth and how "you" can make it at home. - Joey goes off about woman beating. - Hollywood remakes suck shit. - .The Brock Lesnar situation - Tito Ortiz trolls UFC fans. - Marine 3 speculation. - Cole finally learns what an announcer does. - Lord Tensai speculation and what NEEDS to be done. - Oriental men are neutered. - The John Cena Show. - Joey's rule. - ADR Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks. - Bully Ray TNA Champion and Worlds Strongest calves. - Undertaker and HHH news post Mania. - WWE doesnt care about the young guys. - "Ungimmicked". - Metallica says Hulk Hogan is full of shit. - AJ Mitrano stops by from BTWPro.com to talk about upcoming shows you dont want to miss. - Missy Hyatt falls up some more stairs. - Suggestion Box - Jobs you will most likely Golden Corral yourself at. - CNN reporter says the "N" word live on-air. - Loss of our freedoms. - Things Mish would fuck for a s