Wrestling Soup

JACKIN OFF OR SUICIDE (Wrestling Soup 5/24/12)



RUNNING TIME: 254 min. - DUBSTEP THE WORLD MOTHERFUUUCKKAAAASSS! - No good music comes from Europe. - Suicide by cop - Chyna has no legs. - R.I.P. Skrillex - WWE = UNLIMITED POWA!~ - FCW NXT merge? - Happy Birthday to Bad Boy Bo Rotundo - Dixie Carter does a shit interview. - #ackin it to your Facebook - Comedians - WWE doesnt want 3 hours of RAW. - Victory protein shake. - THE REVOLUTION IS WWE 13 - Where did Candy go? - Linda Hogan a MILF? - Phone calls, emails, chat-room questions and more. - REVIEW OUR SHOW ON ITUNES, ZUNE MARKETPLACE, AND BLACKBERRY. - Women Love Wrestling 2 @ http://wlw2.blogspot.com - Yakuza Kick Radio blogtalkradio.com/Yakuza WRESTLINGSOUP@WRESTLINGSOUP.COM (815)345-4756 @Wrestlingsoup and @JoeNumbas on TWITTER