Video Game Generations

Episode 4: Email Galore (and Games)



In this week's episode, Addie talks about Tearaway and Octodad: Dadliest Catch, and I give my thoughts so far on Kid Icarus: Uprising and the Strider remake. Our game of the week is the new iOS adventure Revolution 60 (from developer Giant Spacekat/Brianna Wu). In our first-ever "15 Minutes of Game" segment, we give our thoughts on the first fifteen minutes of PS4's Towerfall: Ascension. I talk about a few of my favorite XBox Live Indie games (XBLIG), including the Decay series, the two Platformance games, DLC Quest, and Magicians & Looters. Addie's younger siblings (twins) talk briefly about the games they've been playing (hint: one of them is Minecraft). But before all of this, we read an abundance of great feedback and encouragement we've received from our listeners in email. This makes for a longer-than-usual episode, and we hope you enjoy it!