Video Game Generations

Episode 21: Floatier Than Mario



It's Thanksgiving week (here in the United States, anyway), and we're thankful to have reached our 21st episode. We spend a bit of time on off-topic stuff to start the show (movies, TV, and more). Then it's news, which includes a rumor that ZombiU 2 might actually be coming to the Wii U next year. The free game line-ups for PlayStation Plus and XBox Live Games with Gold (December) were announced after recording, but that's included as a sort-of insert to the show. Two super-long listener emails answer recent Questions of the Week, which includes our choice for this week's new questions: What's your favorite recurring song or theme in a game, and what music makes you think of a particular game even if it's not actually related (ex: music you were listening to while playing something)? In our "What We're Playing" segment, we talk about Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, LittleBigPlanet 3 (PS4 version), and for me, my near-final thoughts on Assassin's Creed: Unity (which I finished, but may play a bit more just to col