Video Game Generations

Episode 37: Cave Johnson Quips



We have plenty to discuss this week. More listeners write in about recent questions of the week, and later in the episode we introduce another one: do you think this will be the last console generation? Some people do, but it's hard to imagine a time when "set-top boxes" and alternative gaming devices have replaced the home console market. Addie made it quite a bit further in Portal 2 (Xbox 360) since the last episode, and I try my best to keep her from spoiling the story for listeners. She also played a little more Resogun (PS4) and Alice: Madness Returns (Xbox 360), the latter of which we discuss why it received an ESRB "M" rating and whether or not it really fits. I also talk in depth about Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. (3DS) and Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition (PS4), which are the two games I've been playing since last time. This week's quiz is all about NES game titles. Can you tell the real ones from the fakes? Oh, and this episode's after-the-ending outtake is a little unusual (and a little longer than norma