Thought For Food Podcast

What’s The Deal With Protein?



In today's episode, Jackson and Aaron go deep into the science of the controversial and extremely popular topic of protein.  Let’s face it, Americans have a love affair with this stuff.  As a society, we obsess over it. Protein has become synonymous with health, strength, and weight loss. It's plastered on nearly every food item, and high protein diets are all the rage. Athletes of all types worship this nutrient as the secret to their gains and the more the better, drinking protein shakes like their lives depend on it. The media strangely makes protein seem like the most important macronutrient for both weight gain and weight loss. Sometimes it seems like you can’t have a conversation about nutrition, health or performance without mentioning this word. Protein has also become synonymous with animal flesh and so when you make the leap to go plant-based, It’s no surprise the most common question you will get from people is where do you get your protein? It’s also a common excuse to not adopt a plant-based die