Thought For Food Podcast

Eating Animals: Is it Ethical?



Here on Thought For Food so far, we have primarily focused on the health and nutrition side of living a plant based, vegan lifestyle. While that was initially our impetus for adopting this way of living, we quickly developed an awareness of greater social and environmental issues that are at stake as a result of our food choices. We now consider the three main tenets of veganism: Health, Ethics, and Environment. Today on the show, we focus on animal ethics and welfare, which is the primary reason we both continue living this way. Like Jackson talked about in his conversation with Lisa Rimmert about activism, our goal with TFF is to provide information and education in a way that isn’t dogmatic or judgemental, and let our listeners come to their own conclusions. Neither of us are the type of person who feels the need to go out and picket at slaughterhouses or demonstrate in Whole Foods, but rather lead by example and express our concerns in a logical, mature manner through conversations and online activism.