Thought For Food Podcast

College Reflection



In May of 2016, I graduated college. I attended the University of Colorado, Boulder where I studied Integrative Physiology and Public Health. This period of my life was profound, and I felt the need to reflect and discuss what it meant to me, why I went, and what I plan to do now that I’m a free from the university setting. In the episode, I cover stuff like: Why I decided to choose CU Boulder What I liked and disliked about my college experience What I learned in and out of the classroom My advice to those thinking about college or are just starting college What I plan on doing in the near future now that I’m a graduate   And of course I must thank everyone that has been a part of my time in school, so if you’re listening to this and had any connection with me, thank you. I also want to express my deepest gratitude to my parents who were integral in getting me to the place I’m at now, and helped me financially to attend the school of my dreams. They were also the best influence ever to seek out