

Spoozys - Hummer Deerhoof - Gore In Rut The Spinto Band - Japan is an Island +/- - Steal The Blueprints Art Brut - The Great Escape Sloan - HFxNSxHC The Hold Steady - Party Pit The Tragically Hip - In View Peaches - Boys Wanna Be Her (Flaming Lips remix) Q And Not U - People Wonder (President remix) James Figurine - Leftovers Jurassic 5 - Canto de Ossanha Oh No - Oh Zone Mike The 2600 King - Castlevania P Pavement - Heckler Spray/In The Mouth of a Desert (Live) Whirlwind Heat - The Sun is Round Peter Bjorn and John - Amsterdam Page France - Chariot The Telepathic Butterflies - Bohemie The Shins - Australia