A History of the Easter Rising in 10 Objects Ep 8: Wall Fragment from 16 Moore St



The eighth in a ten part podcast series on a 'History of the Easter Rising in 10 Objects' discusses a fragment of a wall from 16 Moore Street inscribed by Thomas Clarke. The Volunteers were tired, and lacked food and water, but some of them began to smash through the walls of the houses to permit access along the length of the terrace and hopefully find an escape route, but it became obvious that they were trapped. In one of the houses, decades of the rosaries were recited, though when Michael Collins came across the exhausted Joe Good sitting with his head in his hands, he crankily exclaimed 'are you [fucking] praying too?'. Clarke, Connolly, MacDiarmada, Pearse and Plunkett were all present in Moore Street and eventually, realising the hopelessness of their situation, they decided to surrender in 16 Moore Street, which was owned by Patrick Plunkett, a poulterer. The fragment of wall that he inscribed was from that house. 'A History of the Easter Rising in 50 Objects' by John Gibney is available now.