Bring It To Jerome

Ep2: Calvin Murphy brings it to Jerome … Again



In Part II of the interview with Calvin Murphy, Jerome gets the Hall of Famer to discuss fighting in the NBA. Murphy stood just 5-9, but was a giant when it came to throwing punches. He talks about how and why he got into some of his fights against the likes of Norm Nixon and Norm Van Lier. Murphy also shares details about the most memorable punch in NBA history, a right hand thrown by Laker Kermit Washington that almost killed Murphy’s teammate and former roommate Rudy Tomjanovich. "Bring it to Jerome" – The most important sports figures in Houston – owners, coaches, athletes – bring it to the go-to man in Houston sports, Chronicle columnist Jerome Solomon.   From old-school-to-analytics, Baby Boomers-to-millennials, Chronicle columnist Jerome Solomon covers Houston sports with a unique homegrown flavor. The interviews and debate that produce his award-winning columns are entertaining, informative and often hilarious. Houston and national personalities will surprise you in how far they will go when they “Bri