Pb & Jason

Issue 97: The Amazon Horned Frog Does Not Sell the 3DS XL



Want to purchase a 3DS XL directly from Amazon? That's not going to happen. Maybe Amazon can fulfill the purchase from another website, but it just isn't the same. What's going on? There are a few rumors, and you'll have to listen to PB & Jason #97 to find out! By listening, you'll also learn about the pre-E3 "Judges Week" all those video game media outlets aren't talking about! Don't forget some impressions of the Sega Vintage Collection: Streets of Rage title I'm currently playing. All this and more are found in PB & Jason #97! Click through for the download and streaming links. PB & Jason is recorded in front of a live studio audience every Wednesday. For ticket information, please email jason@pixlbit.com.