Entanglement Radio With Angela Levesque

Klaire D. Roy on The Circle of Initiates



What are the 7 Rays and how do they influence the evolution of our earth? What is the ray structure of our president-elect Donald Trump? Klaire D. Roy is the literary interpreter of Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul's critical study of the ray structure and initiation level of many of our world's greatest influencers. Join us as we explore the startling revelations of some of these icons and how we are being called to look at our collective dark side with Klaire D. Roy. About the Guest:Klaire D. Roy is the literary interpreter of Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul’s ongoing thought flow, and the author of volumes of the Master’s teachings on Tantrism:•Tantrism: Introductory Themes•Training In the Age of Ray 7•New TantrismDirector of the Medicine Buddha Mandala Institute of Montreal, Roy is a popular speaker and bestselling author of The Manual Of Lithotherapy, Discover The World Of Crystals and Stones. She is also chief editor of La Pierre Chantante, a magazine devoted to health and wellness through stones and crystals. Som