Jonathan Trailer Thomas

Our First "Guest" !



It seems that no mater what we do, it is impossible to break away from the never ending DC news cycle. In the time between recording and uploading these past two episodes, we have seen director Matt Reeves come in to save the day, then almoat immeditely left the project. That in and of itself is a news story worth talking about. But it doesnt end there. For fans that have yet to hear, Matt Reeves and WB have been able to put aside whatever differences they orginally had and now 'The Batman' has "officially secured" a director.So in an attempt to change things up a bit we decided it was time to bring in some fresh blood.  In this episode fellow Editor J Malcom Stewart joins in and provides us with his take on whirl wind of DC related news. We also rant and rave about what we have recently been watching in our spare time, and dicuss J's other show "Seven Minute Takes". Lets just end with saying that hopefully this will be the last time we need to discuss who will be directing 'The Batman'...