

Audio of the Sermon: Did you know that there is a new area of study known as socialnomics? It is actually the study of how social media transforms and affects our lives, and business. Websites like, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter are leading the charge.Socialnomics also includes to some extent, how smart phones and texting transforms and affects our lives and business.This field of study became popular because of a book titled, Socialnomics written by a man named Eric Qualman. In his book he studied the effect of social media in our culture and this is what he found: ( found that 96% of the world’s population under 30-years-old has joined a social network. That’s 50% of the world’s population.He also found that Social Media has affected the way people meet. Did you know that 1 out of 8 couples married in the U.S. last year met via social media?It is interesting, he notes, to see how it took Radio 38 years to reach 50 million followers; it took TV 13 years to reach 50 million follow