Boston Comedy Festival Podcast

Mistress of Comedy Julie Barr



Joey Carrol and Suzi Berlin talk comedy with Julie Barr about Julie Barr Julie Barr, one of the funniest comics around, transforms her insecurities into tight, sharp comedy routines. Actually, they are not routine, which is what makes them so brilliant. She is the comic's comic. Any beginning stand-up performer should catch her show to see how a memorable act is put together. Julie Barr, Comedienne - booking information Julie Barr with Richard De La Font - booking information Julie Barr with Richard De La Font While Julie Barr is a favorite of the New England comedy scene, she had other artistic aspirations as a child. Julie wanted to be a ballerina, but such dreams were crushed as she began to grow. By the first grade, Julie was five feet tall, could intimidate her teacher by peering down at her and would have to fight off her classmates from playing Gulliver with her in the schoolyard. She soon learned at the age of 13 that a life of dancing was unrealistic, because, "They don't make toe shoes in a size 11.