Scott Radley Show

Why has Pierre Poilievre visited Hamilton so much? More federal spending but it's not on you & Ontario's in trouble if EVs aren't a massive success



Pierre Poilievre has made numerous trips to Hamilton, more than expected. Could this be indicative of something larger? Guest: Larry Di Ianni, Former Mayor of Hamilton & political pundit - Though our federal government isn't great at many things there are two things it does amazingly, that's collecting taxes and spending that very same money. Today Scott's talking about the latter as more spending has been announced. Guest: Franco Terrazzano, Federal Director, Canadian Taxpayers Federation - Ontario is making a very conscious effort to become a leader in electric vehicle manufacturing with investments to the tune of billions of dollars. Should we be doubling down on this or have we already gone too far? Guest: Dr. Robert Huish, Associate Professor with the Department of International Development Studies at Dalhousie University