Wgtd's The Morning Show With Greg Berg

5/17/24 BONUS - The last Music Potpourri



On Monday, May 20th, Wisconsin Public Radio is enacting a dramatic realignment of its two networks- and WGTD is going to be part of the network devoted almost exclusively to news and information. Consequently, classical music will no longer be heard over WGTD- which also means that I will no longer be hosting the Music Potpourri on occasional weekday mornings at 9. These changes are necessary and sensible, and I fully support them - but I also find myself grieving more than I expected I would. Consequently, I made a point of making the last two Music Potpourri programs especially meaningful, comprised entirely of special pieces of music that have meant a lot to me over the years - and I am sharing them in the podcast in part so that they might be archived. (NOTE: this change in format does not in any way alter The Morning Show. It will continue to be broadcast five days a week, and the podcast version of the program will be shared seven days a week.)