Evolved Radio

ERP108 - Defending Against Burnout



Welcome back to the Evolved Radio Podcast. Today's episode features Dr. Heather Denniston, a former chiropractor turned wellness specialist who's here to share her insights into maintaining energy and focus during our workday—especially for those of us in the high-stress technology sector. We dive into practical strategies for overcoming the infamous afternoon slump, as Heather recommends simple recharging techniques you can use. We also navigate the crucial role of setting clear boundaries to conserve energy and touch upon a client's innovative approach of using out-of-office emails to signal availability. Heather's transition to wellness was fueled by her personal health journey, embodying the narratives that often inspire those in the health and wellness space. Together, we discuss combating decision fatigue, the pitfalls of a hyper-distracted world, and how retraining our focus through methods like the Pomodoro technique can significantly cut through the noise. Moreover, we examine the steep rise in workp