Roy Green Show

May 11: Fmr BC cabinet minister Selena Robinson accuses premier of "gaslighting" on antisemitism.



Selina Robinson was until recently a senior cabinet minister in the British Columbia provincial NDP government of David Eby. Then her comment on a B'nai Brith organized panel show that before Israel became a state its territory was just "a crappy piece of land with nothing on it," where several hundred thousand people lived, but it didn't produce anything and didn't have an economy. The backlash to MLA Robinson's statement caused her eventual and bitter resignation from cabinet and the NDP party as she claimed antisemitism exists among NDP caucus members. Now MLA Robinson accuses premier Eby of "gaslighting" the Jewish community with empty promises to do something about antisemitism (per Vaughn Palmer in Vancouver Sun). Guest: Selena Robinson. Independent MLA, British Columbia. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit