Raw Talk With Sheena

#60 Vacationing on the Magic School Bus of Healing



This podcast was recorded during a weekend trip to visit Raw Talk with Sheena's unofficial team mom, Giselle Whittington. Giselle, an intuitive energy medicine practitioner, is consistently providing Sheena and Amberleigh with fresh guidance for shifting and elevating, and the same is available for your healing and expansion in this episode. For those who love hearing from Giselle, please tune into her previous features on Raw Talk with Sheena: Episodes #8 and #31. For more information on the Basic Witch Supercourse taking place October 20-22, 2017, with Amberleigh and Sheena, please visit www.basicwitch.net/supercourse. To join the private Raw Talk With Sheena facebook group, follow this link: www.facebook.com/groups/1826596414263228/ For more information on Giselle and her healing services: https://www.satsumaenergetics.com Follows from this episode: @satsumagiselle @rawtalkwithsheena @dr.amberleighcarter @sheenamannina