Activist Radio: The Mark Harrington Show

Pro-Life Advocates Sent to Prison For Rescuing Babies



In 2020, ten anti-abortion advocates peacefully blocked the entrance to a late-term surgical abortion facility in Washington, DC to keep mothers from killing their preborn babies. Now nine of them have been charged with violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) act and “conspiracy against civil rights.” They could face up to eleven years in prison. Earlier today, John Hinshaw (middle, age 69), was sentenced to 21 months in prison and Lauren Handy (on the far right), was sentenced to over four years. Although reasonable pro-life individuals may disagree with the tactics used by this group, one thing is clear: no one should be sent to prison for trying to peacefully save vulnerable preborn babies. But don’t miss the irony here: nine pro-life activists (five of whom are over 60 years old) face up to eleven years in prison for “conspiracy against civil rights.” Yet those who make a living off cutting up little preborn babies for profit get off scot-free. Social Media post by the Susan B Anthony P