Rich Zeoli

The Drive at 5 with Johns Hopkins Professor Steve Hanke



The Rich Zeoli Show- Hour 3: 5:05pm- Steve Hanke—Professor of Applied Economics at Johns Hopkins University & former Senior Economist for Ronald Reagan’s Council of Economic Advisers—joins The Rich Zeoli Show to discuss his latest article for Reason, “Sanctions Are for Losers.” Professor Hanke warns that the Biden Administration is adopting a form of “state capitalism” which he describes as mimicking Xi Jinping’s China. Hanke was recently named one of the most influential people in Washington, D.C. by the Washingtonian Magazine. You can read the article here: 5:40pm- Matthew Petti of Reason writes: “Just asking questions? That might become illegal, sort of, in New Jersey. Powerful interest groups there are pushing a bill that would overhaul the state Open Public Records Act (OPRA), making it harder for the public to request government documents—and the legislature might vote on it today. One provision would allow state and local agencies to sue peopl