Savage Nation With Michael Savage

IS RUSSIA UNDEFEATABLE? with Walid Shoebat - #718



Listen to the conclusion of Savage's remarkable interview with Walid Shoebat. Shoebat, a former radicalized Muslim who converted to Christianity, touches on the complexities of the Ukraine-Russia situation. Learn how the US and Israel's involvement could lead to a larger conflict. Shoebat predicts that in the future, Russia may become an ally for humanity as it challenges the US-led unipolar world order. Could the Ukraine - Russia war become a long-term conflict? He suggests that Russia and Turkey, historical rivals, may eventually collide. Shoebat warns about the potential for conflict between Russia and Germany.Shoebat also accuses the West of enabling the rise of Islamist regimes, citing examples from Afghanistan and Ukraine, where he believes the corrupt Zelensky regime is being propped up by Western powers. They discuss the human cost of the war and its lasting impact. With millions having fled and old men and young girls being conscripted into the military, the question arises as to how Ukraine continue