Unsupervised Learning With Daniel Miessler

Take 1 Security Podcast: Episode 19



Topics for this episode: News and analysis * [ ] A couple of months into my job with IOActive * [ ] Paris Attacks: resilience vs. prevention * [ ] Updating the OWASP IoT Project (no longer the Top 10) It’s an umbrella project. * [ ] Adding to the IoT project the SCADA Top 10 List (read the list), and Nabil Ouchn is going to be project leader on that project * [ ] Pentagon farms coding to Russia * [ ] Crypto email service pays ransom, gets taken out anyway * [ ] Blackout Europe shows vulnerabilities in LTE. Forced leak of location within 2-KM radius. Were also able to block LTE and force 3G or 2G. * [ ] Onapsis talks SAP HANA vulnerabilities. They’re config issues, and aren’t patchable, and include: remote file writes, remote directory deletions, moving files to where they can be access remotely, remote command execution, and remote python execution. To fix, you have to upgrade to the latest version and reconfigure your system. Also two issues with the database that allow HTTP RCE and SQL RCE. * [ ] TPP