Unsupervised Learning With Daniel Miessler

T1SP: Episode 23



[ Subscribe to the Podcast: iTunes | Android | RSS ] News * [ ] Juniper backdoor; could have been found with diff; signs point to NSA * [ ] RCE on FireEye appliances * [ ] Hyatt got hacked; malware on POS * [ ] 45K drones registered with FAA within 2 days * [ ] Industry moving towards password-free logins; still single factor, now the factor is your device; although access to device could require factors * [ ] Microsoft will now tell you if your account has been targeted by government authorities * [ ] Tor announced it’s doing a bug bounty, looks like it’ll be internal * [ ] Steam had a DoS that revealed 34K user details * [ ] Linode has been suffering a massive DDoS on its datacenters, DNS infrastructure * [ ] Spy files found in North Korea’s Operating System Ideas, updates, and discussion * [ ] 3 things you should do every January * [ ] Web Scanner Series: Burp vs. Netsparker * [ ] When you’re interviewing, make sure you make it clear that you’re the asset too, not just them * [ ] Failing at the ba