Unsupervised Learning With Daniel Miessler

T1SP: Episode 25



[ Subscribe to the Podcast: iTunes | Android | RSS ] News * [ ] TrendMicro node.js server listening on localhost can execute commands; exposed to the internet * [ ] SSH backdoor found in Fortinet firewalls * [ ] SSH client vulnerability * [ ] Australia’s Cybercrime Online Reporting Network (ACORN) received over 39K reports of criminal activity in 2015 * [ ] Hyatt names 250 hotels hit by malware, includes the one for DerbyCon * [ ] Web sense rebranding as Forepoint, acquires Intel’s firewall business * [ ] Twitter might be ending its 140 character limit * [ ] Major vulns still being found in Health and Fitness mobile apps * [ ] Angler exploit kit continues to evade detection * [ ] LostPass attack is a phishing email attack that works against LastPass (showed at Shmoocon this weekend) * [ ] Virus just took down the Melbourne Health computer system * [ ] Lastpass has found a workaround for the LostPass attack * [ ] A bit match fixing problem has been found in Tennis * [ ] Trustwave is being sued by Affinity