Unsupervised Learning With Daniel Miessler

5 Increasingly Effective Ways to Achieve Immortality



[ Subscribe to the Podcast: iTunes | Android | RSS ] — I think a lot about how to become immortal. More than I should, probably. Many think it’s a waste of time. Everyone dies, and it’s foolish to think we can avoid it. This piece takes a different view, and describes a number of ways, with varying levels of requirement and effectiveness, one can either avoid dying or live on after death. They’ll go from most practical to most effective. 1. Live On Through Your Children This one is cheating a bit, mostly because you’re not actually becoming immortal. But the fact remains that this does give many people (probably billions) a genuine feeling of lastingness, and that’s significant. Again, I don’t really count it because it’s an extremely tenuous way of living on, but it deserves mention. 2. Live On Through Your Works This one is kind of like the first, in that you’re not actually getting to continue living. So it’s a bit of a misnomer too.