Find Your Dream Job: Insider Tips For Finding Work, Advancing Your Career, And Loving Your Job

Ep. 027: How to Find Work Overseas (Marcelle Yeager)



Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live and work in a foreign country? More people than ever are living and working outside the country where they were born. According to the United Nations, the number of international migrants now stands at a record 232 million people. That’s a significant increase since 1990. For many of these people the move to a new country is permanent; for others, it may be a temporary stay for a year or two. This week on Find Your Dream Job, we talk about how to find work outside the United States. Our guest is Marcelle Yeager a career coach and recruiter with deep experience in international employment. Marcelle shares tips for how to find and land work opportunities throughout the world. In this 35-minute episode you will learn: First steps in looking for a job overseas. Networking tips for overseas opportunities. Cultural challenges you may face when working abroad. The most high-demand jobs for American expats. This week’s guest: Marcelle Yeager (@careervalet