Church On The Move Podcast

An Introduction to the Book of Ruth



Pastor Whit begins a new teaching series in the Book of Ruth: Ruth 1v1 ESV In the days when the judges ruled... Judges 21v25 ESV In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes. Ruth 4v17 ESV They named him Obed. He was the father of Jesse, the father of David. Ruth 1v1 ESV In the days when the judges ruled there was a famine in the land... Genesis 12v10 ESV Now there was a famine in the land. So Abram went down to Egypt to sojourn there, for the famine was severe in the land. Genesis 26v1-2 ESV 1 Now there was a famine in the land, besides the former famine that was in the days of Abraham. And Isaac went to Gerar to Abimelech king of the Philistines. 2 And the Lord appeared to him and said, “Do not go down to Egypt; dwell in the land of which I shall tell you." Genesis 46v3-4 ESV 3 Then he said, “I am God, the God of your father. Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for there I will make you into a great nation. 4 I myself will go down with you to Egypt, and I will als