Yusuf Circle Sheffield

S94 - Amr Ibn Al - Aas (ra) - Ibn Taymiah (rah) Explains



Amr ibn Al-Aas (ra), Session 94 The Fox of The Arabs Ibn Taymiah (rah) Explains Discussions evolved only around how to tackle the issue of the murders and NOT Alee's (ra) authority of the Caliph. Mu'awiyah (ra) never claimed the position of Caliph for himself and no one pledged allegiance to him as Caliph when he fought Alee (ra). He never fought on the basis that he was Caliph or even that he was entitled to be the Caliph. Others acknowledge that and Mu'awiya (ra) also admitted this to whoever questioned him regarding it. Further, Mu'waiyah (ra) and his supporters did not hold the view that they should initiate a battle with Alee (ra) nor did they do so (Ibn Taymiah rah, Majmoo Fataawah 35/72).