

Galatians 1:3-5 — God has not abandoned the world and He has not abandoned His children. Rather, before sin ever entered the scene, God set in motion a plan to save His people from the evil of this world. God sent His Son to the cross and raised Him again that they might dwell in His presence. In this sermon on Galatians 1:3–5 titled “Man’s Need: Salvation,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones teaches the same truth that was proclaimed to the Galatians who had forgotten their great need for the gospel. Christians today are no different in that they also are apt to forget what God has done for them. When Christians forget the gospel, they forget how desperately they need this good news and to be delivered from evil. God is not passive when He looks on His children’s need; He loves them so much and has created a way for salvation. Consider His great grace, mercy, and compassion and praise Him.