Peter S Williams

Preparing for Careers Podcast: Interview with Peter S. Williams



In this April 29th 2024 episode of "Preparing for Careers," (available on YouTube @ New Zealand-born homeschooling parent Christine Smith interviews British philosopher and apologist Peter S. Williams about the importance of teaching the basics of logic and philosophy to all ages of homeschooling students. Also, how to prepare for a career in philosophy or theology. He is asked how to approach a world where a tertiary education may not be desirable and a bunch of other useful advice from his many years of teaching rhetoric to students. Resources Recommended by Peter S Williams: William Lane Craig - Reasonable Faith - Background: Peter S. Williams, Apologetics in 3D: Essays on Apologetics and Spirituality (Wipf & Stock, 2021) Paul M. Gould, Cultural Apologetics: Renewing the Christian Voice, Conscience, and Imagination in a Disenchanted World (Zondervan, 2019) M