Ruach Breath Of Life

Restorer of broken hearts



Restore broken hearts How right Job was when he said that those at ease have contempt for misfortune. Lord, we acknowledge our lack of compassion before you for those in need. And we pray to share more of Your heart, a Restorer of broken walls. You desire that our heart should be like well-watered gardens, springs whose waters never fail, but there is stuff that You need to do in our heart, Lord, to make it possible for us to share Yours. We remember how a hand touched Daniel and raised him up, causing him to stand, catching and strengthening him and all that came from that. We remember how You stretched out your hand and touched Jeremiah's mouth. And how you laid your right hand on John at the start of the Revelation. Jesus, friend of sinners and Re-mender of broken hearts, we pray today for those who are lonely and sinned, and who receive but little outside support and stimulus, and few if any visit. Jesus be the Visitor. Visit those whose relationships have broken asunder and whose hearts are raw, and