Wrestling Mayhem Show

Big WrestleMania Energy | Wrestling Mayhem Show 909



This week’s episode brought to you by Indy Wrestling US, Slice on Broadway, Sidekick Media Services and listeners like you at www.Patreon.com/WrestlingMayhemShow Relay Marathon Participation: Hosts shared their recent involvement in a relay marathon with friends and family. They discussed how the event brought them together, their training routines, and the humorous dynamics of their running teams. International WWE Events: The podcast dove into the excitement surrounding WWE's recent international events, particularly in France for Backlash. The hosts were impressed by the passionate crowds and how their unique chants brought new energy to the shows. They also commented on the differences in audience reactions compared to American crowds. WWE's Storytelling: Hosts discussed how WWE's storytelling has evolved with Triple H at the helm, particularly in long-term planning. They highlighted the company's ability to balance current matches while laying groundwork for future narratives. WrestleMania in Las Vegas: