
Get More Gym Members Without Paid Ads



Conversations equal conversions. If you’re a gym owner who’s tried running social media ads, blogging and posting reels without seeing a bump in your member count, it’s time to start initiating more conversations with potential clients. “But how do I do that?”In this episode, Two-Brain chief marketing officer John Franklin shares proven strategies for having more conversations and getting new members in the door with zero ad spend.His tips involve reaching out to leads on platform, looking for referral opportunities in local social-media groups, creating your own fitness-focused community group, hosting events like bring-a-friend day and—as uncomfortable as it may sound—going out into the real world. You’ll walk away from this episode equipped with tried-and-true tactics you can use to accomplish a goal: Talk to five new people about your gym every day.LinksSell-by-chat cheat sheet Kieran O’Dwyer on creating free guides Gym Owners United1:34 - Getting clients today3:28 - 6 ways to have more conversations16:04