Albuquerque Business Podcast

Are You a Victim Leader? This Quick Test Will Reveal the Truth



We've all been there. Those moments as leaders when a project stalls, a key team member leaves, or that big initiative feels like it's crashing and burning. It's so easy to slip into a spiral: frustration, blame (at others or ourselves), and a sinking feeling of helplessness. That's the victim mentality, and as comfortable as it seems in the moment, it's incredibly destructive to our leadership. The Trap: How We Give Up Our Power Here's the thing about playing the victim: we surrender. We convince ourselves that our fate is out of our hands – bad luck, unfair bosses, you name it – anything but ourselves. Thoughts become a chorus of "I can't...", "This always happens to me...", or "Why bother, it's pointless...". It feels easier than taking a hard look in the mirror, but make no mistake, this is us putting ourselves at the mercy of every setback. We all want to feel in control as leaders. The victim mentality is the illusion of control, where it's somehow safer to wallow than to confront the hard choices ahead