

Top Mistakes to Avoid On Your Next Disney Trip After many vacations to Walt Disney World it got us thinking... why do so many people complain that they need a "vacation from their vacation" to WDW?  Then we remembered our first fateful trip... we did so many things wrong that we swore we'd never go to Walt Disney World again- LOL! Fast forward to today, we have learned from our mistakes and try to convey our message to others. Below is a few top mistakes to avoid.. Back to Back Parks It is so very tempting to cram as many days in the theme parks as possible. Especially when "adding" additional park days to your "magic your way package" seems so affordable. However, this will lead to an exhausting vacation. Even as our kids grow we find that scheduling back to back parks makes our vacation feel like a blur and our feet so achy we can't enjoy the moment. If you are still dead set on visiting the parks back to back be sure to set these two largest parks apart from your days..Animal Kingdom and Epcot.  NOT SCHEDU