Rich Zeoli

Trump “Hush Money” Trial: Humiliation is the Prosecution’s Goal



The Rich Zeoli Show- Hour 3: 5:05pm- The Drive at 5 begins with Rich announcing an upcoming appearance on Fox News, and Henry fuming over faulty streaming equipment. 5:15pm- Andrew C. McCarthy of National Review writes that in Donald Trump “hush money” trial, humiliation is the point: “As porn star Stormy Daniels’s testimony unfolds, what has always been obvious becomes even more explicit: The point of this trial is to bruise Donald Trump politically—to humiliate him with a tawdry sexual episode from nearly 20 years ago that is utterly unnecessary to prove the charges in the indictment.” You can read the full article here: 5:40pm- After court concluded on Tuesday, former President Donald Trump spoke with the press briefly and declared that the case against him is a “complete disaster.” The trial will resume on Thursday. 5:50pm- Perry Stein and Devlin Barrett of The Washington Post report: “Donal