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MDE24: Tracy Weber, ProPublica Netexplo Top 10 Award & Pulitzer Prize Winner



This is the Minter Dialogue Radio Show number #24. I attended the Netexplo Forum 2012 on March 15-16, held at the UNESCO headquarters, in Paris. Netexplo, founded by Thierry Happe and Martine Bidegain, is an observatory of new tech trends around the world, with which I have been associated for the last couple of years. There were ten award winners highlighted at the event, each coming from the four corners of the world and each with a very interesting angle. In the second of the series, I spent a few moments with Tracy Weber, Pulitzer prize winner and senior reporter at ProPublica. The initiative that was prized at Netexplo was called "Dollars for Docs." If you have ever been curious about the relationship between pharmaceutical companies and your doctor, then ProPublica is the place -- and the app -- for you.Meanwhile, you can comment and find the show notes on where you can also sign up for my weekly newsletter. Or you can follow me on Twitter on @mdial. And, if you liked the podcast, please