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MDE26: Erika Anderson, founder and CEO of H2020, award winner at Netexplo 2012



I attended the Netexplo Forum 2012 on March 15-16, held at the splendid UNESCO headquarters, in Paris. Netexplo is an observatory of new tech trends around the world, with which I have been associated for the last couple of years. There were ten award winners highlighted at the event. In the fourth of this series, I caught up with Erika Anderson, CEO and founder of H2020, a water poverty project that collects data, like a rolling, real-time census... The benefit is more accurate, up-to-date understanding of water related problems, for NGOs and government agencies and for better use of funds.Meanwhile, you can comment and find the show notes on where you can also sign up for my weekly newsletter. Or you can follow me on Twitter on @mdial. And, if you liked the podcast, please take a moment to go over to iTunes to rate the podcast.Enjoy the show! Support the show (