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MDE27: Brian Platz, COO and co-founder of SilkRoad Point



Welcome to the Minter Dialogue Radio Show number #27. I attended the Netexplo Forum 2012 on March 15-16, held at the marvelous UNESCO headquarters, in Paris. Netexplo is an observatory of new tech trends around the world, with which I have been associated for the last couple of years. There were ten award winners highlighted at the event, each coming from the four corners of the world and each with a very interesting angle. In the fifth and last of this series, I caught up with Brian Platz, COO and co founder of Silkroad Point. Silkroad Point is cloud-based system providing social talent management software and solutions for HR… Among its many facets, it will help HR calculate an employee's level of influence in social media circles… A most fascinating concept, based on a sound principle: that, especially in knowledge work, employees work better when they are better appreciated and understood! Meanwhile, you can comment and find the show notes on where you can also sign up for my weekly newslet